The Complex History (and Future) of Hemisfair – BCMG Meeting & Presentation

Andres Andujar, CEO of the Hemisfair Redevelopment Corp., will talk with us about the history and future of Hemisfair.


Andres Andujar was selected by the Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation Board as CEO in 2011. He has been driving the vision for the Hemisfair area redevelopment, which is based on a half dozen big ideas that can be applied to efforts around the world to convert underused urban open space to help transform a city’s built environment, competitiveness and culture.

In addition to his work on Hemisfair Park, he helped develop a vision and coined the term “River North” for an area north of our downtown surrounding the Museum Reach of the Riverwalk extension that resulted in a 400-acre urban rezoning and the creation of a Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone. For that volunteer effort, Andujar was given an honorary title from the American Institute of Architects, named one of San Antonio’s Visionaries, and Downtowner of the Year by the Downtown Alliance.

Andujar received his bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 1980. His career includes design, construction and related management experience of several billion dollars’ worth of projects around the US and abroad.


Bexar County Master Gardner (BCMG) Educational Seminars/General Meetings are held on the afternoon of the third Thursday every other month at the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Office, Suite 208.
For more information email [email protected], or call 210-699-0663

For BCMGs: 1.5 CEUs;  Code: 003.