Turfgrass – February

By William “Bill” Swantner, Bexar County Master Gardener

February 2024

February can be dark, dreary, and cold. The cold fronts from the north will slowly give way to the humid winds from the coast. For those who enjoy turfgrass, February is a great month for doing little in the yard but learning much about the turf we are growing. 

The many faces of February

First item to consider: What type of turfgrass is currently being grown in your yard and/or, what type of turfgrass do you want to grow? There are many different species in the marketplace, in general, the warm season turfgrasses for our area are St. Augustine, Bermuda, Zoysia, or Buffalo. Knowing your specific type of turfgrass is important for proper watering, fertilizing, and mowing. Each type of turfgrass has its advantages and disadvantages, strengths, and weaknesses. 

Secondly, if a new lawn is being installed or areas of the lawn are being refurbished consider:  Which types or varieties of turfgrass can be grown from sod, sprig, or seed?

If a homeowner wants a healthy and waterwise lawn February is a great month to learn. The following resources can help you on this path:

  1. This is the introduction website to TAMU turfgrass information. This page gives a brief anatomy lesson on turf and at the bottom of the page are links to specific warm season grasses.  
  2. This is a great resource for understanding weeds that grow in the lawns of south Texas.
  3. If your lawn is having some issues, these resources will help you decide if the cause is insects or disease?

For further turfgrass research, here are some resources: 

St. Augustine




Weather permitting, aerating and adding a layer of compost can be done in February.

There is a lot to learn about Turfgrass but the more a person knows, the higher the likelihood of success.

Photos by Michelle Hobbs