Shrimp Plant

(Justicia brandegeeana) By Tera Marshall, Bexar County Master Gardener Shrimp plants are a must-have for any pollinator garden! They are drought tolerant once established, bloom from June until frost and attract tons of bees! They also freeze back to the ground and come back from the roots, even from our 10° freeze last year (and don’t need to be covered …

Mystic Spires Salvia

By Tera Marshall, Bexar County Master Gardner I am passionate about feeding our pollinators and have developed, over the years, an extensive pollinator garden. There are so many great plants to feed our bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, but if I could only have one, it would be Mystic Spires Salvia. And Mystic Spires is a Texas Superstar, for good reason. …