Growing a Fall and Winter Vegetable Garden – Zoom Webinar

Horticulturist David Rodriguez and Entomologist Molly Keck have joined forces to provide a weekly garden plants and bugs webinar series. Join them at 12:00 PM to learn about your landscape and the insects that could wreak havoc on it! Tuesday, August 25 -  12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM:  Growing a Fall and Winter Vegetable Garden with David Rodriguez, Horticulturist, Texas ...

The Lichens Among Us – NPSOT San Antonio Mtg. (Zoom)

This program is a great opportunity to learn about one of our most underappreciated native flora.  Bob's presentation will take us on a short trip to teach us about lichens:  What are they? How to recognize and identify them, and where they are found. Speaker:  Bob Harris, lichen enthusiast and citizen scientist Bob has been interested in, studying, collecting and identifying ...

Color codes for the calendar are as follows:

  • Orange: These are events for BCMG members only.
  • Blue: These are public events for which BCMG members can also receive CEU credit.
  • Green: These are events that are open to the general public.